Explore the Apple App Store for all available Gyronimo apps
Explore the Apple App Store for all available Gyronimo apps
Explore the Apple App Store for all available Gyronimo apps
Personal Aviation
For private pilots, students and flight instructors
Explore the Apple App Store for all available Gyronimo apps

Gyronimo Performance Pad apps
Since 2012 Gyronimo has developed several weight & balance and performance apps for various aircraft variants under the ‘Performance Pad’ banner. Each Performance Pad was designed specially for one particular aircraft model and variant, both helicopter and fixed-wing.
Users particularly appreciate the appealing and detailed user interface of the Performance Pad, as well as the simple and intuitive operation. Download the app, enter individual aircraft data, and off you go.

See all available Performance Pad apps in the Apple App Store
For Robinson Helicopters
Tim Tucker app series
Tim Tucker, Robinson Helicopter Company’s Chief Instructor and Claus Richter, founder of Gyronimo, have teamed together to produce a series of weight & balance and performance iPad apps for the Robinson R22, R44 and R66.
These apps add the insights and knowledge of Robinson’s well known Chief Instructor Tim Tucker. Each app includes not only weight & balance and navigation calculations, but also all critical performance calculations such as Manifold Pressure, Vne and IGE/OGE limit.
Robinson Helicopters R66 Cockpit Trainer

The Next Generation Flight Computer
The Gyronimo E6B Pro Pad
The E6B Pro Pad provides a revolutionary way to compute functions and convert values. All functions are window based. Open various windows at the same time and arrange them over the screen.
The E6B Pro Pad is also a course plotter, wind components calculator and features a fully functional graphic E6B.

Gyronimo Flight Pad with In-App-Purchase
With the Gyronimo Flight Pad app pilots can easily perform weight & balance and performance calculations for over 120 rotary and fixed-wing aircraft variants in one convenient iPad app.
The Flight Pad aircraft profiles are available from within the app, which can be found in Apple’s App Store. New users can test any aircraft type for free before making an in-app purchase. Prices start from USD 4.99 per year per aircraft variant.